Monday, 2 September 2013

Life to a blind.....

Those who live a life to see are so lucky,
but some are unfortunate, those like me.
Born to see darkness without a pinch of light,
is the fate of the unlucky without the gift of sight.
What is color, shapes and size?
Oh!But to see I would pay any price.

Blue, brown or black eyes whichever it may be,
vision is only a dream, will it ever turn into reality.
I know not day, I know not night,
I do not know whether what I imagine is right.
What I feel is unknown to me,
always just an obstacle, keeping me from running free.

How tall are you?How tall am I?
Who walked away and who is walking by?
Am I all alone?I hear no voice,
to sit and wonder without any choice.
Are you smiling? Is anyone listening?
Is there a lot in my life that I am missing?

Sometimes I cry,tasting sometimes a tear,
not knowing what my face looks when I am faced by fear.
They say I am beautiful and pretty,
but blind she is, what a pity!
A cane I have to guide my way,
I wish I had someone beside me to stay.

Friends are many but not one face I know,
how do I express my agony?How do I show?
Some days I just get through,
and sometimes I wish my life was different, oh don't you?
How old am I?What more is there to life?
Will I ever be lucky to be loved and a wife?

Why was God cruel when He made me?
Did He not think I deserved to see?
Does He not love me or care one bit?
But still I pray when alone I sit.
I know He sees me and hears my agony,
but I'll never be able to see,that's the irony.

This is what I feel every day,
wishing to see the moon or a glimpse of ray.
Sometimes I am sad and sometimes I don't care,
sometimes the price of blindness is more than I can bear.
This is the story of a blind,
this is the life to a blind.

Saturday, 27 July 2013


Revenge is said to be the only dish best served cold.... I agree :) I also believe that  the best way in cooking revenge is by not giving in, by not falling down and by never letting them see tears. When anyone tries to knock you down take the blow with a smile, if they shout, speak softly with a smile and when tested, pass them only good words, nothing can avenge the situation better, nothing can defeat them better, and most important nothing can make you a better person......

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Never Ever.............

Never ever let fear get the better of you......When fear creeps in, build the strength to face it rather than run away from it.....Fear need not be of something or someone, it may also be of a situation or one that is to take place. When you let fear drive your decisions, it always wins having you filled only with more fear. So rather learn to turn your weakness into your strength. There is nothing in this world that can scare you, until you show your weaker side.

An example is the fear of losing someone, this may drive you to hold on tighter to the person, but chances are more that you will suffocate the person into running away from you.

This is just a message to those who live in fear, you are not alone, but stand up and smile in the name of fear, may it never ever win.......

Friday, 3 May 2013

Change is inevitable......

When we say things like "Please don't change","People don't change","we will never change","this will never change" or "I will never change" it drives scientists crazy. Do you know why?
 Because change is literally the only constant in all of science. Energy, matter, time, the world, climate, seasons,communication,currency,units,careers,species,anatomy, morphology, Morphing. Merging. Growing. Dying..... it's always changing. . 
It's the way people try not to change that's unnatural. The way we cling to what things were instead of letting them be what they are. The way we cling to old memories instead of forming new ones. The way we insist on believing, despite every scientific indication, that anything in this lifetime is permanent. 
Change is constant. How we experience change, that's up to us. It can feel like death, or it can feel like a second chance at life. If we open our fingers, loosen our grips, go with it, it can feel like pure adrenaline. Like at any moment we can have another chance at life, at any moment, we can be born all over again.
So instead we should be saying :" Everything is going to change but thank God we had this moment" Let the change take place and you fly into the unknown knowing that, that too will change soon. May the present not hold you too tight to face the future, or the past grip you to enjoy the present.
Because change is inevitable........

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

A big mistake

There are many things that may seem right for me but may be completely wrong to you, and the same goes when giving one advice. So many times I wish to keep shut but it is difficult when one asks for your point of view, and when you are one who loves to talk on life like myself it becomes difficult to just give your point of view.

Many a times your words become a consoling factor for another, at other times an encouragement, inspiration, or a boost of confidence, but sometimes it turns out to be a big mistake...

So what does one do when asked for advice? Do you ignore or do you pour your heart out no matter what the consequences may be?

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Love simply.......

Our whole life we spend chasing love, but never realizing that we were being chased too. When the realization dawns upon us it is either too late or too complicated. Lucky are the ones who have learned to love the simple things in life, for they are the ones that love has chased down.

What is it I'm trying to say you may think, well how many look up at the sky and think " Oh! How beautiful, I am loved ", drink water and feel loved, burp with a full tummy filled with love, can read the word love and express it in the form of a kind gesture called a smile? Not many these days I say, everyone is on a fast track journey to achieve it all, get it all and be at the top of it all, very few still remain happy with what they have, what they know and who they have. So many hurt others just to prove a point, very few get hurt to protect another, so many say a lie to hide the truth, very few say the truth to reveal a lie and many cheat to win, very few win without cheating.

This makes me think "Why?"

Why not live and let live, why not smile at a complete stranger without fearing being attacked, why not do good without the fear of evil winning, why not appreciate life the way it is and why not just love simply?

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Give an ending to the following story.....

                                                                 BEST FRIENDS

There once was a boy who had no friends, one day from school he came across a stray goat. The boy felt pity for the goat and carried it home. He convinced his parents into keeping it with a vow to take care of it.

The boy and goat grew up to be friends in no time. They became best friends.

Many years later, the boy grew into a man and the goat too old. The goat fell sick too often and refused to eat without the boy. The parents were fed up looking after the goat and the boy by now had many friends, work and family that kept him busy.

The parents finally approached their son, the boy listened to his parents agony and replied, "....................."

Thursday, 11 April 2013



From the time we are born, we are shadowed with expectations.....we are awaited and pushed to see when we can crawl, and then walk, eat on our own, soon expectations build to excel in studies, then higher studies with expectations to get a good job, once working an expectation to be settled, once married, to have children, and then expected to bring them up, and it never does end or does it?? What is ironic is that we all live led by expectations but none are there for how we are to die.....death is spontaneous, unpredictable and can take anyone by surprise.... but wouldn't it be wonderful if life held the same for us all? This is life as it is.....

Monday, 8 April 2013

Life as it is.....: Being taken for granted.....We spend most of our...

Life as it is.....: Being taken for granted.....

We spend most of our...
: Being taken for granted..... We spend most of our lives trying to make others happy, but in the sequence of events we forget to make ours...
Being taken for granted.....

We spend most of our lives trying to make others happy, but in the sequence of events we forget to make ourselves happy, we even forget that "I" exists.......So sometimes it's not only others taking us for granted, at times it is ones own self taking themselves for granted...This is life as it is......